News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after being won recently. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Friday 21st August were 13-15-21-41-72 with the number of the Megaball being 01. In Friday night's draw no … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Motors On
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after a recent win. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Tuesday 18th August were 02-07-33-39-53 with the number of the Megaball being 09. In Tuesday night's draw no ticket … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Momentum
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after being won recently. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Friday 14th August were 12-15-20-52-71 with the number of the Megaball being 03. In Friday night's draw no … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Maintains August Momentum
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after a recent win. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Tuesday 11th August were 03-08-29-57-68 with the number of the Megaball being 08. In Tuesday night's draw no ticket … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Maintains Momentum In August
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after being won last Friday night. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Friday 7th August were 01-38-53-63-66 with the number of the Megaball being 10. In Friday night's … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Mounts In August
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after being won last Friday night. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Tuesday 4th August were 02-19-44-51-57 with the number of the Megaball being 14. In Tuesday night's … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Moment !
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that one lucky ticket holder from Missouri scooped the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot last night by matching the five main balls and the Megaball . Friday night's Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was $25 million ( $15.3 million in cash). The Megamillions numbers drawn on Friday 31st July were 28-32-33-40-46 with the … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Mounts Again
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night as the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot begins to build again from a relatively low base after being won last Tuesday night. The Megamillions numbers drawn on Tuesday 28th July were 08-35-61-68-75 with the number of the Megaball being 15. In Tuesday night's … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Momentum
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was not won last night and after the excitement of the recent massive jackpot win has started from a low base to rollover again. With the jackpot in last night's draw at $15 million this Lottery game is still worth some attention from Lottery enthusiasts ! The Megamillions … [Read more...]
The Megamillions Moment !
News reaches Lotto Central HQ this morning from our blog readers across the pond that the Megamillions Lottery Jackpot was won last night as one lucky ticket holder from Pennsylvania scooped the $152 million ( $91.6 million cash ) Megamillions jackpot ! The Megamillions numbers drawn on Tuesday 21st July were 20-30-62-65-74 with the number of the Megaball being 01. In Tuesday night's draw one … [Read more...]